
5 Benefits of unleashing “stupid questions”

It’s often the first utterance after introductions in a sales dialogue.

“How can I help you?”

There’s no fear in the first question. No internal doubts about undermining the sacred first impression.

“It can’t possibly be a “stupid question,” how else would I know what they need?”

Too often, however, this initial bravado is swiftly petrified after only a few questions, or at the deal’s closing. Insecurities can barricade us from asking more penetrating, detailed questions that may unveil an answer we aren’t prepared to solve – or worse, that we don’t understand.

While it can be intimidating to push the comfort zone of our curiosities, it’s critical to best serving clients and forging symbiotic business relationships. The benefits of tearing down this barrier are numerous, and lasting.

Asking questions:

1. Expands our own acumen in a lacking area

2. Clarifies and homogenizes business positioning and goals

3. Displays greater commitment to solving the intricacies of your clients’ business

4. Allows for more efficient working relationships that prioritize the most important issues

5. Uncovers potential obstacles before projects hit them head on

Let’s stop monotone recitals of “no such thing as a dumb question,” and start proving the adage true through active experimentation.

Try out your “stupid questions” by reaching out to me on Twitter:

Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

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