Measuring your business value beyond marketing tactics
At least once a year (if not per quarter), “the powers that be” will inquire on how your marketing efforts are being measured and whether or not they’re effective. From campa
The Perfect Media Interview
Media interviews are a power tool used to garner exposure for your brand and position you as a thought leader in your industry. Paragon’s Geena De Rose and P.J. Kinsella offe
Office Olympics: What it takes to become a workplace warrior
Over the past two weeks, I, along with millions of other people around the globe, watched as the world’s top athletes in Rio competed with intensity and vigor to bring back medal
Olympic Marketing: Rule 40’s Herculean Undertaking
While I shoveled nostalgic coal into the roaring engine of my Olympic hype train this weekend, something caught my eye. I expected predictions of the impending contests, but I didn
With LinkedIn, Microsoft Can Create a Strategic Blockchain Advantage
Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn comes as no huge surprise, as analysts – including Neil Doshi of Mizuho Securities (cl) – generally saw Microsoft or Salesforce as the two
Ditch the acronyms!
It’s amazing how much jargon exists in everyday life, as well as business. Acronyms, abbreviations, “in” phrases and industry slang seem to have become badges of honor for so
Neutrality: The PR Catch-22
Generally speaking, most people seek to avoid conflict. It’s often unpleasant, time-consuming and undermines our universal desire to be liked. The major con about neutrality, how
Expand your universe
It’s time we all step outside our everyday activities and start to think more creatively. All too often, we get absorbed in the daily routine and forget about the possibilities f
Are you maximizing your earnings announcements?
As we head towards the end of this quarterly earnings cycle, it is a good time to reflect on Investor Relations (IR) and financial media best practices to leverage for the next qua
A Time for Change
While nearing my one-year anniversary working as an intern/part-time employee for Paragon Public Relations and approaching the end of my undergraduate career, I am faced with a uni