Think benefits, not features
While most of us have already wrapped up our holiday shopping – save for a few final items – we can still take away more from the process than just gratitude from our g
Hashtag Holidays
The holiday season is upon us and that means a number of annual trends are becoming evident. Holiday music in every store, lights all around, and men dressed up as Santa on street
Content Marketing: Get Real
You’ve heard a lot about content marketing. And sure, it all sounds simple enough. Write a lengthy white paper and then implement a campaign to break it into various distribution
It’s Not 1989 Anymore
Taylor Swift has had a busy fall. In October she released her latest album, 1989, which sold a staggering 1.287 million copies in its first seven days, making Swift the only woman
Unstuffing Your Message: A Cautionary Tale
I’m still full from Thanksgiving. Very full. Let’s face it – a more accurate name for the last Thursday in November may well be “National Day of Semi-Historical Overindulg
Don’t ask who won the election, ask how
On Tuesday, November 4, the United States of America experienced a historic national election…kind of. Americans at large don’t appear to invest themselves too heavily in midte
Are conference booths memorable or a waste of money?
In the financial industry, there are several marquee conferences that act as the mixing pot for the markets’ top leaders each year. Those looking to network and increase brand aw
What’s the difference between advertising and PR?
Although many may not believe it, public relations plays a part in almost every product, service or event that we hear about. But so does advertising. Many people have asked me, â€
Social Media: Keeping up with the “Times?”
Apparently there isn’t a lot of news that’s fit to Tweet. Once again, Buzzfeed has taken the opportunity to slight The New York Times’ lack of social media acumen and fervor
6 Tips for Amateur Graphic Designers
I studied advertising in college. Yet somehow, since graduating, I’ve found myself in not one, but two positions where graphic design plays a primary role in my day-to-day. It’