Top Tips for Winning Awards that Matter
While PR firms like collecting awards on behalf of their clients, the industry has become saturated. To use an expression suited for the time of year, the golden goose of media com
5 Reasons to get podcasting – we’re all ears!
To achieve ultimate success in business, it’s important to not only walk the walk but also talk the talk. A lot of hot air is spoken about the importance of new digital marketing
We’re All in This Together – The Battle for Equality
Which professional has the better chance of getting a job? An LGBTQ female graduate, a 30-year old African-American, or a 55 year-old caucasian male? The answer may not be so easy.
The Evolution of Communications
In the early-1980s, I signed the Official Secrets Act and was shown into a room with a dozen middle-aged men and a secretary. My job was no more than a gopher but it gave me my fir
How to make a racquet!
On the surface, little has changed at Wimbledon since Fred Perry first strolled on to the manicured lawns, but behind the scenes, it’s rebooting its image.
When it comes to content, size matters
In today’s digital world, small is beautiful. Information is delivered in nuggets and bullets, listicles and soundbites, and tweets and snaps. Notifications buzz on our devic
The “Final Four” Tips for Business PR
Whether you’re a lifelong college basketball fan or just looking to test your luck with some friendly office competition, March Madness is an exciting change-up to your daily rou
Will your firm encourage gender equality after March?
As women’s history month winds down in the US, UK, Australia and elsewhere around the world, it’s a good time to reflect on the diversity efforts in your organization. Many com
Paragon Launches Capital Markets Thought Leadership Platform
Hoboken, NJ and London, March 5, 2019 — Paragon has launched ‘Counterpoint’, a multimedia platform for capital markets participants to engage with a community of peers in tho
Full-time work and grad school: It’s possible!
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin If you’re fortunate enough to work for an employer that genuinely encourages your professional and