Instagram’s Ruthless New Filter
It’s no secret that the influence social media carries generates some serious bankability these days. With companies and brands actively seeking influential users to endorse thei
Hashtag Holidays
The holiday season is upon us and that means a number of annual trends are becoming evident. Holiday music in every store, lights all around, and men dressed up as Santa on street
Don’t ask who won the election, ask how
On Tuesday, November 4, the United States of America experienced a historic national election…kind of. Americans at large don’t appear to invest themselves too heavily in midte
Social Media: Keeping up with the “Times?”
Apparently there isn’t a lot of news that’s fit to Tweet. Once again, Buzzfeed has taken the opportunity to slight The New York Times’ lack of social media acumen and fervor
Judge, Jury, & Twitter Followers
As we find ourselves in an era of unprecedented insight into the daily thoughts and actions of our peers, we also find ourselves in a time of astounding and widespread judgment. We
Facebook’s experiment meddles with moods, and ethics
European regulators are digging into the recently uncovered news that Zuckerberg and Co. manipulated the timelines of almost 700,000 users to gauge reactions to feeds with more pos
The Ghost of Posts Past
Individual privacy has once again become the topic of headlines over the past month as Google has made initial efforts to comply with the EU’s infamous “right to be forgotten
Social Media, Emphasis on Social
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” Chances are, anyone who’s seen The Wizard of Oz, or even How I Met Your Mother, recognizes the above reference. The quote o
We loved debate. Not Twitter.
Once again, my inspiration comes from the announcement of a media outlet’s purported death. The Atlantic published a eulogy for Twitter this week by Adrienne LaFrance and Robinso