
4 New Year’s Resolutions to Revamp Your Brand in 2018

We’ve all heard the phrase, “New Year, New Me”. It is a symbol of change and commitment. While individuals partake in lifestyle changes every year, businesses can also benefit from a resolution or two. Changes can be made at any point of the year, but the beginning of a new year is the perfect time for any firm to start doing things differently.

You might be asking yourself, why should I revamp my brand? Trends evolve and you want to be heard above the noise your competitors are making. While revamping your brand can include an entire brand identity change, simply refreshing what you currently have can help make sure you are still relevant to your audience.

Here are four New Year’s resolutions to spice up your brand.

Resolution 1: Improve your social media presence 

Analyze how your company’s social media performed in 2017. Did you meet your target number of followers and increased level of engagement? Did you set any goals to begin with? If not, develop some targets for 2018. Social media is constantly evolving, with regular platform updates and new trends that you should be aware of. Experiment with your social calendar, as well as the format and tone of your shared content, to garner more attention.

Resolution 2: Update your website 

Give your company website a makeover, or at least an update. Large or small, you should enhance your website’s look and feel, and update content regularly to increase inbound traffic and improve SEO. This includes updating your products and services descriptions, adding fresh imagery, installing new plugins, etc.

Resolution 3: Develop new content 

Make sure you are developing fresh content. From a blog post to news commentary, update your website, social media platforms and relevant third-party blog sites, like Medium, every week to attract prospects. Not only does new content help improve your website’s SEO, but sharing your voice across multiple platforms helps establish your firm as an industry leader.

Resolution 4: Put time into enhancing company culture 

Employee satisfaction is essential to every successful business. Make sure your company has a strong corporate culture by implementing programs that encourage interconnectedness, such as team events like weekly lunches, team happy hours and any activity that encourages teamwork.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, “With great risk comes great reward”. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to break out of old habits and routines to try something different, even if that means taking a leap.

Do you need help getting your brand on the right track for the new year? Get in touch and let us help get your name in front of your audience.


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