
Webinar 101 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Creative. Interactive. Global. Cost efficient. Real-time. On Demand.

These are just a few characteristics used to describe webinars. A webinar is a web-based video or audio conference that connects an individual or group host to a global audience. Professionals invest time into webinar research and planning because it is ultimately used as an educational business tool. For the hosting company, this results in an organic way to improve SEO while becoming known as “industry experts.” Adding a user registration step to the webinar process is also a great way to capture new leads and relevant industry contacts. Companies that publish webinar content have experienced a substantial increase in brand awareness, lead generation and overall credibility.

Here are some additional statistics and tips that will lead to success when planning your next webinar.

How To Host A Successful Webinar 101 Infographic

Need more assistance? Contact us to learn about our wide range of digital offerings.

Sources: On24 / Livestorm

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